Rising Alt Pop Star Maude Latour on Her Newest Single “I am not the sun”


[UNPUBLISHED:] You recently released your new single “I am the sun” which I adore, can you tell us about your process of creating it?

[MAUDE LATOUR:] Honestly, it was one of the most surreal experiences of creation I’ve ever had. Nothing has beat it since it happened. It was almost like my collaborator and I sat in silence while this song descended on to us. It was completely surreal, we barely spoke, and in just two days of pure collaboration, this song came to be. After we finished it we listened to it on repeat throughout the entire night, while I just cried. I’d never felt so seen in a piece of music.


[UNPUBLISHED:] What was your inspiration behind the release?

[MAUDE LATOUR:] I’m hesitant to put it into words. But I was falling deeply in love at the time, and I had a year of reevaluated relationships, new understanding of myself and love. I felt like I interacted with something bigger than me. I was able to listen to my body, my intuition, feel present. It feels like this gut feeling, finally listening to what my body points to. 



[UNPUBLISHED:] In your opinion, where would be the most ideal location for someone to listen to the song?

[MAUDE LATOUR:] Windows down, always. 


[UNPUBLISHED:] Who are some artists you admire and that have influenced your sound?

[MAUDE LATOUR:] So many people. Always different. The Beatles, Prince, Bowie. So many people. 


[UNPUBLISHED:] Can you tell us something about yourself that not many people know?

[MAUDE LATOUR:] I speak Dutch and Chinese! Except my Chinese has slowly gotten worse, way worse. But I still love it so much. 

Make sure to follow Maude on Instagram and stream her newest single “I am not the sun” out on Spotify now!

Rebecca Bloch