Posts tagged batch 2
You Need to be Forrest Bathing - Here’s Why

Gen Z is more disconnected than any generation that precedes us with nature. Diving into the Japanese practice of "shinrin-yoku", or "Forest bathing", what can be gained from time spent outdoors is revealed. At a time where many of us struggle with stress, mental illness, and loneliness – especially during a global pandemic – we could benefit more than ever from eco connectedness.

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Rachel Kloepferbatch 2
An Understanding of Why We Seek Comfort in Fantasy Worlds

Over the past couple of weeks, a social media trend had emerged regarding entering and obsessing over fantasy worlds that nonetheless defined our childhoods. Why are we suddenly returning to these novelistic dystopian worlds? This is a personal account and interpretation of why young people are once again seeking comfort in the fantasy worlds that we loved as children and teenagers.

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Payton Breckbatch 2
The Power of Nostalgia

As a sentimental person, I find myself grappling at memories and reliving them more often than I care to admit. Somedays these bittersweet nothings of long-gone memories place shackles around my ankles and won’t let me move on. How do you manage to live moments instead of reliving them? Especially when those memories comfort you?

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Mairany Garciabatch 2
Strong Enough to Ask for Help

I used to be afraid to ask for help, and think if I couldn't solve my problem or change my mood on my own, it made me weak. But one day, I reached my breaking point. Once I took that first step of asking for help, I healed in ways I never could have alone. Asking for help is the bravest, strongest thing you can do.

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Risa Schneblybatch 2
It's All Greek To Me: The Allure and Apprehension that Entails Greek Life

It’s 2020 – with many institutions now coming under speculation and reinvention, it comes as no surprise that Greek Life is no different. If you’re someone who wants some sort of sorority or fraternity experience, this essay includes direct testimony that will help you better understand the past, present, and future of Panhellenic organizations. From the good, the bad, and the ugly – let’s hold up the mirror to Greek Life.

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Olivia Farrarbatch 2
Is Retail Therapy Real? 

More than once during this quarantine, I found myself with an undeniable urge to go shopping. There’s just something deeply satisfying about watching as the cashier rings up your items, swiping your card, and getting to leave a place with a part of it remaining with you. But does it really make you happy enough to call it “ therapy”? Or is retail therapy just another way to justify materialism?

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Cindy Tranbatch 2
A Different Kind of Heather

A different perspective on the wildly popular song ‘Heather.’ In this piece, I explore the importance of choosing yourself before you wish someone else would choose you. It can be easy to prioritize everything possible over yourself, but in the end, is it worth it?

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Nia Mahmudbatch 2
Happy Birthday! You Don’t Know Who You Are!

You’ve turned 18, you just started college, you don’t have a job because your anxiety grabs at you constantly, and everything else seems to be going bad. You go to social media to feel better but suddenly you’re reminded about how you have no idea what you’re doing or who you are. In simple terms, you’re going through it.

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Mairany Garciabatch 2