Ella Warner

film writer

Meet Ella, an extrovert to the max but someone who worships her alone time. When she is not writing, you can find her playing the piano, running her YMCA's Youth and Government delegation or simply scrolling through Vogue... anticipating next season's trends. Although this may seem controversial she tends to watch television more than movies but if she were to name her favorite films and shows they would be: The Royal Tennenbaums, Lady Bird, Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl, and Euphoria (basic, I know, but aren't things basic for a reason?) Regardless, Ella is extremely grateful to be producing content––especially about film, TV and pop culture ––as a high schooler! She is looking forward to a spectacular future with Unpublished <3

She/Her • Instagram • Pisces • Words of Affirmation

. . .Film