Crystal Gift Guide for Beginners

credit to Tessa Mannonen

credit to Tessa Mannonen

Crystals are an amazing source of calm, helpful, or protective energy, but many people are intimidated by the overwhelming amount of information about them. Giving crystals as a gift is a wonderful way to show someone how much they mean to you, especially as it is easy to pick a specific stone to serve a specific person. Crystals can also be used in many different ways, so think carefully about how your person would like to utilise their new stone. Jewellery is great for constant, daily affirmation; holding stones are ideal for meditation; placing crystals around the house is best for cleansing and removing negative energies. With all of that in mind, here is a brief guide to some of the best crystals to give your best friend, partner, siblings, or even your therapist (if they’re really good).

For tranquility and being grounded

  • Hematite

Found in rocks and soils, this crystal is perfect for bringing you back down to earth. It focuses on clearing the root chakra, which in turn helps you to feel centred and stable. I recommend using this stone to meditate with, as it will help you root your body as you clear your mind and focus on what you can touch and feel.

  • Smoky Quartz

This stone is particularly powerful for helping you to move on from the past. It will allow you to shed and let go of thoughts, feelings, or memories that are no longer aiding you. Smoky Quartz is particularly effective as a worn piece of jewellery, as it will help to prevent you from holding onto unnecessary judgements and emotions.

  • Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is best when it is dotted around your house so that it can soak up the unproductive energies in your living space. It is especially useful to have in an office or working space, as it helps to keep you focused on the task at hand. It’s heralded for its sponge-like quality, which helps to remove negative emotions and keep your head clear!

For stress-busting and anxiety

  • Peridot

The green of this crystal is a reminder of natural spaces, forests, and growth, and its qualities reflect this. Peridot is fantastic at promoting positivity and uplifting you, as well as encouraging rebirths and growth. It is a wonderful tool to use for chakra cleansing and works well by being pressed against different parts of the body during meditation or quiet reflection.

  • Lapis Lazuli

This beautiful blue stone is absolutely ideal for anyone struggling to make decisions or find themselves stuck on the fence. It is known for bringing people closer to their truth and sharpening intuition and is versatile in its uses- whether you choose to wear it, hold it, or place it in your bedroom, make sure that the intention “I take charge” is channelled into it!

  • Rose Quartz

Probably one of the most well-known and recognised crystals out there, Rose Quartz is an amazing all-around positive force in your life. Characterised by ideas of love and happiness, this crystal is terrific at helping you open yourself up, ready for new love and acceptance. The best way to wear Rose Quartz is around your neck so that it can be close to your heart.

For motivation and focus

  • Clear Quartz

This crystal is best for focusing your mind and your goals. If you find yourself feeling lost or aren’t sure what your true passion is, then Clear Quartz is ideal for you. It helps to cleanse while also encouraging reflection and self-introspection. Clarity is the word here: anything muddy or unclear will be refined and cleared out, allowing you to see things with more confidence.

  • Amazonite

Amazonite takes its name from the Amazon River, and it is best to imagine this stone’s effect as that of running, cooling water. It will help wash away dirt and muck while also slowly eroding away at the unstable parts of life. It helps to calm and soothe and will bring a clear-headedness that anyone who struggles with overthinking will be hugely grateful for.

  • Fluorite

This stone is often described as dreamy and whimsical. It will help you open your mind and let go of self-limiting beliefs, allowing you to see your true potential. Your dreams and ideas will become grand and lofty while your appreciation for the world and spirituality thrives. This stone is excellent for people who may be stuck in a creative block or feeling pessimistic about the universe.

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