Did Astrology Pre-Determine Our Myers-Briggs Results?

Hot take: Myers-Briggs and Astrology are related, and they may have bounced off of each other in determining your personality. The two are not exactly sisters, more like second cousins, but I think they’re—without a doubt—living under the same roof. Controversial? Definitely. Am I standing by it? Absolutely. Why, you ask?

Both systems are classified as pseudoscience. In other words, these techniques are based in theoreticals, so nothing is proven.  Sure, there’s tons of informative resources to back up the hype, but there’s still not a single piece of definitive evidence to prove either actually exists. Yet, both Myers-Briggs and astrology are tried-and-true methods when searching for deeper answers to the question we all carry:“Who am I?”

For those that don’t know, the Myers-Briggs assessment (also known as MBTI, or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a questionnaire that determines the baseline for one’s personality. It examines four specific spectrums of characteristics:

  • Extroversion/Introversion

  • Sensing/Intuition

  • Thinking/Feeling

  • Judging/Perceiving

I’ll try my best to condense this topic: 

The MBTI test gauges where you receive most of your energy, how you process information, how you make decisions, and how you appear to the outer world. The points listed above are called cognitive functions, and how they’re placed in your psyche is called a “function stack”. Basically, we all have eight cognitive functions in our stack, and the most prominent four make up our four-letter MBTI result. There are 16 different personality types altogether.

If you’d like more information on Myers-Briggs, or want to take the test and find out your type, you can do so here.

For the psych nerds that already know all about Myers-Briggs—like myself—you’re probably wondering how the hell I came to this conclusion, so let's get started.

Disclaimer: All points in this article are merely speculation, observation, and a series of patterns I’ve picked up over years of research. Nothing is set in stone, and nothing is proven, just like astrology and MBTI.


Our astrological polarity, or the “masculine/feminine” spectrum is simply another way of explaining yin/yang. Yin is feminine, yang is masculine. When looking at astrological influence, fire and air signs exude yang, or masculine energy. In the Myers-Briggs world, this correlates with extroversion. The reverse is said for water and earth signs, or feminine energy/yin. Feminine signs correlate with introversion. Now, before you say “Hey, I’m not an extrovert! I love my alone time!” let me explain. 

Extroversion in Myers-Briggs doesn’t necessarily mean you’re an extrovert. It means you receive energy from interacting with others. Fire and air signs tend to have a large circle of friends (even if they don’t see them often thanks to Covid-19), and while they also enjoy relaxing at home with a show to binge, they usually feel most at home when they’re surrounded by the people they care about. This masculine/yang polarity directs their energy outwards, toward everything happening around them. They’re keen on acting quickly and then reflecting on their actions later. Fire/air signs, along with those with an E preference, like to bounce their thoughts and ideas off of others and collaborate when handling projects. 

Water/earth signs are generally more reflective, or introverted, thanks to that wonderful feminine/yin energy. Their way of gathering energy is by spending time alone. This doesn’t mean they aren’t glad to be with their friends, it just means they don’t necessarily feel most inspired while with others. They need to make time to reflect and recharge their mental batteries before returning to the outer world.

Overall, these polarities determine where you retrieve energy— whether it’s over a drink with your friends, or cozied up in bed with a good book. Masculine/yang placements are more likely to direct their energy outward and find inspiration through action, while Feminine/yin placements seek inspiration through reflection, and direct their energy inward. Any chart placement, from my observation, can take part in determining the E/I function, but I think the Ascendant (Rising), Sun, and Mars signs are the main deciding factors. If your Sun sign doesn’t match up, check your Ascendant and Mars placements and see if it corresponds with this analysis!

Masculine Signs:

  • Aries, Leo Sagittarius

  • Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Feminine Signs:

  • Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

  • Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn


To summarize, Mercury determines the thought process, logic, and communication. It essentially dictates how we think and operate in the world on a cerebral, mental level. Mercury is the processor in our minds, the mainframe so to speak, that intakes information and tries to make sense of it all. In Myers-Briggs, the Sensing/Intuition scale determines how a person receives and processes information. So, astrologically, Mercury would be the Motherboard.

If you’re a Sensor, you intake and process information through the five senses. You’re pragmatic, sensible, and rely on your experiences to come to conclusions. Sensors are most common in our day to day world. They have more visual and audible memories, and tend to look to the past to try and organize their experiences. While useful in the real world, this can also stunt Sensor types from exploring new possibilities because they’re more focused on how things work, rather than how they could work. Their processing skills are solid, but it’s tough to “teach an old dog new tricks”. In other words, they’re more likely to look for traditional methods, rather than innovate a new path.

Intuitive types are the opposite. They’re always looking toward the horizon, trying to find the hidden meaning behind their experiences. Their “gut feeling” is their processor, rather than the facts sitting in front of them. Intuitives tend to graze over endless possibilities, daydreaming about the future, and looking for symbolism in everything they do. This means, they’re less likely to see projects through to completion. Their informational intake is strong, but their processor lacks follow-through. 

Essentially, more pragmatic Mercurial guidance is going to take information on a need-to-know basis and try to come to a conclusion as quickly as possible. These signs are known for their leadership skills, intensity, and ability to get sh*t done. This shines through as Sensing.

Sensing Mercury:

  • Aries

  • Taurus

  • Virgo

  • Capricorn

  • Scorpio

  • Aquarius 

The ethereal, head-in-the-clouds types are eager to receive as much information as possible, focusing on immersing themselves in whatever they’re paying attention to. For them, it’s definitely more about the journey, not the destination. These are the Intuitive types. 

Intuitive Mercury:

  • Gemini

  • Cancer

  • Leo

  • Libra

  • Sagittarius

  • Pisces

We have two celestial Mothers: The Earth, and The Moon. The Moon is what controls the ocean, the water in our bodies, and the currents that surround our heart. She is our emotions. She guides us toward the right path, helping us make the right choices. So, the Thinking/Feeling line is what determines how we make decisions, and the Moon plays a heavy role in determining exactly how we prefer to handle decision-making.

Do you act on logic, fact, and objectivity? Is it more important to be right than kind? Or, do you act on harmony, compassion, and connection before making a decision? 

Since our Moon sign depicts our emotional realm, she also shows us where our loyalties lie. If you have a “warm” Moon sign, like Leo or Pisces, chances are you’re going to make decisions using your heart, evading conflict, and seeking the best option for everyone. This is merely because certain Moon signs are a bit more heart-heavy than others. “Cold” Moon signs, like Capricorn or Scorpio, are more likely to act on their own rationale and the data that’s presented, rather than doing something for the sake of peace. This isn’t to say that some Moon signs are kinder, or more emotional than others— it’s more about how they navigate their emotions. 

Thinkers seek the truth above all else. They notice small discrepancies in behavior and little inconsistencies in data. They strive for their decisions to be fair and just. Thinkers are the type to rationalize their emotions, and usually try to avoid involving their feelings when making choices. This can make them appear cold, indifferent, and unemotional, which absolutely isn’t true. Simply put, they value logic over emotion when making decisions. 

Thinker Moons:

  • Gemini

  • Virgo

  • Libra

  • Scorpio

  • Capricorn

  • Aquarius

Feelers, on the other hand, strive to communicate with others, and “read the room” when deciding their next step. They’re people-oriented, and care deeply about keeping the peace. They will try their best to find balance and harmony, and a suitable option for everyone involved. Usually, Feelers are viewed as passive or irrational but honestly, they’re just trying to make everyone happy. 

Feeler Moons:

  • Aries

  • Taurus

  • Cancer

  • Leo

  • Sagittarius

  • Pisces

I want to make one thing clear: Thinkers have emotions. Feelers are intelligent. Both preferences are valid, helpful ways to navigate life and the tough choices we experience during our time orbiting the Sun.


There are three modalities in astrology: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable, and in each modality holds four out of the twelve zodiac signs. Cardinal signs are the natural leaders, and tend to take charge of their destiny. Fixed signs are stubborn and headstrong, passionate about every course of action they take. Mutable signs go with the flow, and try to adapt to their surroundings as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

In Myers-Briggs, the Judging/Perceiving scale is how you come across to the outside world. It’s the function you want others to see. Modality plays a role in this because at the basis of our chart, the dominant modality is how we want others to view us. Do we want to be seen as passionate? Adaptable? Courageous? Our modality tells us, and so does the J/P pairing.

Judging types are decisive, organized, and enjoy planning ahead. They’re the type to make lists, maybe even collect stationary, and would do well in an office setting (even if they don’t necessarily like it). They’re the “work first, play later” types. From my observation, Fixed signs are most likely to be a Judging type because of their unshakable need to make things happen. Their headstrong and intense nature pushes them to appear like they have it all together-- even if they don’t on the inside. The Fixed modality strives for commitment and solidarity. They need things to be clear and at face value. While this makes for a reliable, sensible friend, Fixed signs and Judging types tend to focus so much on small details, they can miss out on the big picture. 

Fixed Signs:

  • Taurus

  • Leo

  • Scorpio

  • Aquarius

Mutable signs are textbook Perceivers. They’re the go-with-the-flow, “work hard, play hard”, guidelines-over-deadlines type. Spontaneous and fluid, these are the people that will agree to go on a road trip just to sit along for the ride. Even if on the inside their thoughts are organized and controlled, they want others to view them as flexible, calm, creative beings. Perceiving types are all about the big picture, losing themselves in the endless possibilities of the “what if?”. The same can be said about the Mutable modality, due to their ever-changing nature and craving for “something new”. 

Mutable Signs:

  • Gemini

  • Virgo

  • Sagittarius

  • Pisces

Cardinal signs are a hearty mix of both Judging and Perceiving, so it’s more of a case-by-case basis with this modality. They will adapt to nearly any situation, yet will quickly find a way to clearly cut out an organized plan to ensure proper steps are taken. The Cardinal modality wants to have control above all else, and is willing to do whatever is necessary to make sure they have all ears listening. This means they can fall on either side of the line. Some will use organizational planning skills and decisiveness to show true leadership, and others will use their creative pull and fun-loving side to reel the masses in.

Cardinal Signs:

  • Aries

  • Cancer

  • Libra

  • Capricorn

Of course, any modality can pop up on either end of J/P, but when we look for how we want others to view us, it’s shocking how fine-tuned these universal instruments are. Similar to the polarity groupings, this is a broader placement point, and can be influenced by any chart position. Personally, I think this piece of the puzzle is determined by a multitude of factors, such as the Ascendant, Venus, Mars, and Midheaven. It’s truly up to you to decide which you think you relate to more, based on your personal placements.


Unfortunately, no. “Who am I?” is a question we can truly only answer ourselves, and it’s easy to see patterns in the world around us, especially when we’re searching for them.

As an ENTP Scorpio, I struggled to understand how I’m supposedly an Extroverted Thinker, when my sign’s textbook description is all about feelings, intensity, passion, and secrets. It didn’t make sense, so I decided to look deeper. I found that my Gemini Rising contributes to my Extroversion, my Capricorn Moon explains my Thinker preference, and well… my Gemini Rising probably influences my Perceiving preference as well. 

Research, observation, and self-awareness are the most important steps we can take in figuring out all these strange, psychological mechanisms. I think connecting both Astrology and MBTI is a promising step, and finding the patterns linked between them can lead us one step closer to that ever-lingering, never-ending answer.

Sara Laplantebatch 1